
Thursday, March 31, 2011

kids, think thrice.

Hello and welcome to REALITY. 

Please keep your arms, legs and thoughts in check at all times.

You are kindly reminded to leave all emotions at the entry, and enter this space calmly.

Yes, you have to discard sloth, envy and that lingering frustration too, Ma'am. There's no place for these items in REALITY.

Now, let us display whats on our menu today:

A good healthy dosage of homework, for starters, we ensure you that all this will greatly benefit you in your later life. You are advised to finish all of it and not complain about the copious amounts you are served.

Did we mention that complaints are prohibited on board reality?

Well now you know, so kindly zip it.

Next up, your Extended Essay. A marvelous project intended to give you exposure to research. Of course there are side effects but permanent head damage is something you have to deal with on your own terms. We apologize but we do not carry anything in our stock for stress relief. 
That affliction is deemed trivial and sympathies are all we can offer you.

Now the main course. Seasoned with topic tests, and rich garnish of Internal Assessments, specially put together to enhance the taste and quality of your education! 

Bitter? There must be something wrong with your taste buds. We've specially prepared this program to fulfill and nourish your last years of your teenage life!

The best for last, your dessert for today is Theory of Knowledge, a gastronomical masterpiece! We'd like to add a word of advice that this dish may contain elements and may induce constipation, constriction of bowels and spur sudden panic attacks for those with allergies.

The sponsors would like to remind you that if you do not reach your target of 36 points (that is 36 for now, until a further point in the future when we may decide to torture you further) you may face sudden termination and you're time, sweat and sanity are strictly non-refundable. 

We are glad to announce that we are on a one way express, going 500 mph. We have uninstalled the brakes  to optimize speed and you are again reminded to not complain.

Our destination today is success. Our estimated time of arrival, is, well we haven't a clue yet but will keep you informed when we do.

We apologize deeply for any inconvenience caused, but really, there is no room for mistakes or apologies on board REALITY.

Enjoy your time here. There is really nowhere else for you to run anyways. As mentioned, this is REALITY, and we ARE taking over.

Hello IB, my new reality. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dear Jumnik, with love.

Where do I begin? *chokes*

The past 3 months wasn't easy. 
The sacrificed weekends, 
the cake cutting mornings, 
the 55 boxes, 
the re-planning activities.
 But the moment I stepped off that bus, 
into the arms of the Jumnik villagers,

They told us they were counting days till we arrived.
What did I give to them, till I deserved to receive so much? 
The way they treated us like kings, served us with the best food, how our house was the only one with electricity, while they lived in pitch darkness. 
The night sky, sprayed with stars.
How all the kids and boys would sit and talk to us at night.
The way the boys in my class welcomed the little knowledge I gave them. 
The way the grandmothers hugged me when we gave them donations. 
The smiles, the tears, the sweat, the laughs.
The way everyone called us 'Sister' and 'Brother'. 

God willing, we'll come back. 
Their voices singing, and their laughter in my ears,
the cute babies, smiling adults.
How their lives are so full and happy, when they have so little.
Really, with the contentment they have, 
we're not the lucky ones, 
they are.

Thank you, Jumnik.

To the team,
We had our fights, our breakdowns, our skirmishes,
but we came out of it, together.
We lived this moment, as a team.
We gave them the best of us,
but they gave us even more, no?
To Miss Loh (mummy) and Pak Lan (bapak) 
your kids LOVE you very very much.
Was it just 5 days there?
Our lives have changed.


Now that its all over, 
their faces replay in my mind,
the laughter, the tears,
how do I even put it into words?

"Brother what is that?" he said as he points to the moon.
"Its the moon" replied one of us.
"I will look to the sky every time I miss you, brother."