
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

like a cold, its a-catching.

Time to move on to greater heights huh? I feel like I haven’t been giving it my all yet. Resting on my laurels has made turned my bum into weights, loading me down. It really is hard to focus. EXCEL program's up for grabs and my mental compass seems to digress.

I feel like I’m swimming in a pool of trivial things and I only get real spirit and focus when I go up, gasping for air. All I get is little gasps of motivation. Then my head goes back down and I’m drowning in banalities again.

It’s the silly mistakes. Misplaced rulers, broken key chains, words whispered behind hands, one to many awkward moments and I’m put off yet again.

I’ve forgotten a lot. Its a lot lonelier here than PC. No comforting arms to banish the fears and soothe away the aches of PMS.

The words of some wise man is ringing in my ears, surprisingly in Miss Jay Alexanders voice that "Not failure but low aim is a crime".

Shoot for the moon, aim high yada ya. I should make an attempt. It seems like the best decision. Now I'll just wait for the rush of determination and kiasuism to set in which always tells me I did good.

Does the absence of feeling indicate the presence of remorse? Or is that a feeling too?


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