
Friday, November 12, 2010


No one likes being pushed around. Usually I'm in this mental frame with metal dimensions. I let no one in to mess me up. Especially academically. Come hell or high water, I'll don my armoured suit and when it comes to studying nothing makes holes in my resolve.
Seems there are thousands of ways to be tested. Now, I find myself affected by the most trivial things. Worst of all, I find myself being pushed into a corner where to be silent is to hurt yourself and to lash out would be to hurt your friends.

I really wish you guys would stop. I dread the way that I'm affected by such a teeny thing. Maybe the problem is me.

All this pressure to perform is reminiscent of PC. The stakes are no doubt higher because its a new playing field and the first spar proves the strength of the player. Time to get serious, lets get to business.


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