My MARA essay, on the easiest topic imaginable, MYSELF, why does this not seem easy anymore!
Find my blood work forms for tomorrows ritual blood taking at UMMC.
Research the benefits of an IB education and potential medical schools in Ireland, Australia and Egypt.
Check up on my mon frere currently melting in Kubang Pasu, Kedah and brainwash him into accepting the MRSM lifestyle. Poor fella, guess it was a huge leap from VI to where you are now.
I loll on Facebook, reading everyone's status, searching for inspiration. Don't know why the fingers itch to type his name and stalk his wall. I just can't contain myself, ANDY GARCIA! The Italian mafia tough guy looks, the deep pools from which he stares at you with.... The best part is, this man is older than mummy.
Realised that while most beauty pageant winners quote "World Peace!" as their killer ambition and biggest hope, there never was a period in mankinds history where it exsited. Men have never been capable of living alongside each other and not want to rip each other to shreds. There wasn't a single time period where there wasn't violence occuring in any region. So much for world peace, seems likely to happen when everyone cooperates but with the booming arms trade these days, its much easier to settle disputes with weapons than words. So world peace should be on the list next to if pigs could fly and bila kucing bertanduk comes along.
Changed the song on my mp4 200 times looking for a sumber inspirasi, settles for "Falling Out Of Love by Aqualung" to be my soundtrack for procrastination.
Missed Kiasatina's constant chirpiness and her optimism and how she always has a good comeback line for whenever I feel insecure. And how she believes in me way more than I do.
Quote of the day: "Look inside yourself, such perfect order, hiding in yourselves, running in your veins. Subhanallah, Allah's creation!"
Kudos Hijaz.
Its late and its the perfect excuse to put this essay on hold, maybe I should define myself by another bad habit besides procrastination... LUST seems like a good candidate.
Guess someone mengumpat me :)
kia chirp? hahaha
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