
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rejection, its an art.

We're all born with the belief that the world is our cookie, so take a big, big bite out of it kiddo!

And insipidly we believe that life is all swell and when they tell us to dream big, we do what they say.

We dream, we hope, we plan.

We never realize that God is the master planner.

We hardly ever factor in that things will never always go our way.
You find yourself saying, "Hey, I planned hard!" or "I know I deserved it, I do, I DO!" or "Why not me?"

Sometimes in life, you lose, you fail, you get REJECTED.

It takes a smarter person to know when to accept defeat, it takes a wiser person to look the bitter pill in the face and decide to down it anyways, it takes a real fighter to know when to call it quits today but come back with twice more fight tomorrow. And it takes the bigger person to give so much to someone and accept that they can't give you the same amount all the time.

We hope for the best but prepare for the worst? Today, I didn't. So today, I get my come-uppance. Today, I'll come out and face my demons.

You seemed happy till I walked into the room and opened my big fat trap. (Ego gets bashed here..)

It was especially hard for me today to not only connect with total strangers, but impress them and prove my point. (Whats left of ego gets battered here....)

Their parting gifts for me were words that banished my fate far far away (Ego comes crashing down like a building on TNT)

Couldn't unplaster the smile of my face so I just dusted myself off and clawed my way to the exit. (Completely demoralized at this point.)
For the sake of the rest of you guys, it was only fair that I soothed your fears by pretending mine were non-existent and kept the flag of your hopes flying high. If I screwed up my turn, you guys deserved to enter that room without the memory of it screwing up yours.

Thank you Fiqri and Nik for being the crutches to my limping soul by saying the magic words "Jom pergi bowling!" padahal last2 pergi makan KFC dekat PAS je. Although I didn't say it, it meant the world and more to me.

I promise I'll be ok, one chink in my armour doesnt spell the end to my career.

Today, on the birthday of my realism, I'll say it loud and clear that you mean a lot to me. Your absence is akin to crushed glass, fine powder, seemingly innocuos but scrapes and stings when you try to brush it off. And your a total nitwit if you think I'll be like this forever. Everybody, embrace rejection, what else can you do anyways?

The days consolation, rejection too, like everything else shall pass.

Apologies for the melodrama, saya budak baru belajar.


@fitridzulkifli said...

not a melodrama yet, till, the room filled. fullstop.

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