Because you taught me to mind my P's and Q's.
Thank you for giving birth to me,
for raising me,
for the balancing stunts you pulled when we were young,
for tolerating with my intolerance to dairy and seafood as a kid,
for sending me to the best schools,
for not putting me up for adoption when I was being a pissy-pot,
for not spoiling by letting me have my way all the time,
for never giving up on me!
for always reminding me to be a good Muslim,
for making sure I don't eat too much :D
for inspecting my room so I don't become too messy,
for waiting throughout my surgery, while praying all went well,
for teaching me so much about life, Economics and everything in between,
for bending over backwards to manage our happy yappy family,
for letting me be me, not forcing me down any path but the ones I choose,
for showing me what true love means,
especially, when you doa for me for exams of all shapes and sizes, at times that I call you when I'm nervous before a competition or heady with triumph from one, when you call to say you miss me, when I come home from school and you stand at the door smiling....
Please, please,
Allah shower mummy with rahmat, baraqah,
Bless her life,
Show her mercy like the mercy she had for me as a baby,
Make me a good person so that I can make her proud,
Grant her, daddy and our family a place in Heaven,
Help me be a good Muslimah so that someday,
I can be a supermommy like her too.
I love you mummy, my lifesaver.
Happy Mothers Day.
Now and always, your loving daughter.
I love you Mummy. I do do do do.
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