
Friday, May 7, 2010

Better an empty house than an angry tenant

Its like diarrhea. I can't keep it in.

When I see your success although I'm genuinely happy for you, I feel like a loser for not being half as great as you.

I wonder why we have to vote for our leaders because its proven that the best leaders are the ones who don't volunteer to be elected but the ones we nominate ourselves.

Beautiful friends and their glamorous lives seen on Facebook makes me feel ugly and inadequate.

I don't like driving.

I feel like doing the exact opposite of what they tell me sometimes.

I won't admit that I've changed. And I don't want to be like you guys.

Politics in Malaysia is like one big bicker-fest that I might not vote in life.

I am a crowd pleaser.

Scholarships, meritocracy vs socio-economic status? Meritocracy favours the rich, because don't the rich have the resources to study, thus making them smarter? In an interview you look for soft skills, English proficiency and Western perspectives, characteristics associated with the rich, So who really are you aiming to help here?

I have mood swings.

Why can the government give free BlackBerrys to all Ass.Professors and above yet they can't sponsor more students to do Medicine in the UK and Ire?

I told you so, its too bad your life got ruined by her because you both were so damn stubborn. And I can't believe you thought I was jealous. Naive lad. You reap what you sow, you get what you deserve.

When I think I've let mum and daddy down, it makes me cry harder than anything.

My name is Nik Syakirah and I am not a terrorist.

Islam is not violent, not extreme, not confining. Its beautiful. Its a way of life. If you can't understand it truly or view it from a tainted perspective, then you have no right to judge all Muslims. So stop making groups on Facebook dissing us.

I want to form a Glee club.

Why should one race be prioritized to such an extent in our country? Does this give us a needed advantage or simply breeds complacency?

You broke my heart. Now fix it. I'm only pretending to be okay.

Tomorrow, I'll regret this.


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